Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Big Kick-off

I love the beginning of any big college football game when the home team fans have the big chant they all say together right before, during, and after the ball is kicked off.

This blog has none of that fanfare.

But it feels like the start of a big game for us.  We're moving overseas... after ten years of ministry in Thomas County.... to where, we don't know yet... and we're having another baby.
Did we see these things coming?  Nope.  But that's what following Jesus is like sometimes: he takes us places that are totally unexpected.

So as we feel like we're kicking off for our big game, we know if you're bothering to read this, you're probably in the stands as a fan, cheering us on.  Our hope is that this blog can serve as commentators on the game... a glimpse of what's happening on the sidelines.... a chance to hear what the coach is telling the players.... a way for you to know what's going on in the game and feel like you're a part of it.

How often will we update this blog?  Ain't no tellin'.  This is a first-time attempt for us.  My hopes are: often enough to let you know what's up, and not too often as to give you too much to read.

What will be put in this blog?  Some facts.  Some reflections.  Some dreams.  Some prayer requests.  Some humor.  So basically, a taste of everything.

Kinda like a game-day hot dog with everything on it. 

So with that...   "Gooooooooooo JACKETS! Sting 'em!  bzzzzzz"....

(Yes, I had to get my alma mater shout-out in there.)

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