Have Internet
- This was a huge win and help around the house!
Gotten work visa approved
- Per the UK Home Office, we can officially stay 3 years now!
Gotten rid of the straggling fleas
- This was the biggest win for Ginger's sanity.
Unboxed everything
- Well, essentially at least. Anything still in a box is supposed to stay there.
Kids started in school
- And they love it (except the "every day" thing, per Liam)
Gotten heat turned on in office
- I can work there now and not see my breath!
Played my guitar for Club
- It's fun to hear the kids sing, and "The Banana Song" is a must.
Ginger delivered the baby
- See previous post.
Figured out the middle school
weekend retreat - See previous post.
- More on that in a post to come, but it went great, and was beautiful, as seen here:
Understand the best way to manage two accounts in the States and two in the UK
- It's getting easier, but still confusing at times.
Have a washer, dryer, dishwasher
- Still no dishwasher, unless you include "my hands".
Bought boys’ bunk beds, vacuum, TV, lamps
- Still no bunk beds. Nothing wrong with mattresses on the floor when you're a kid!
Gotten clearance to use the military computers (i.e. the computer in my office)
- It's kinduva inconvenience to always have to email files to Sgt. Wilson
for her to print for me, but she loves to be helpful and is super efficient!
Registered Chris and the boys
for healthcare
- It's a lot of paperwork.
- It's a lot of paperwork.
Ginger gotten her
drivers’ license
- Something about a baby has taken precedence.
- Something about a baby has taken precedence.
Sold our house
back home
- Pray for this one. It sure would be nice to have this one done.
- Pray for this one. It sure would be nice to have this one done.
Visited Highclere Castle
- We'll do this one day.
- We'll do this one day.
Met the Queen
- We'll do this probably never.
- We'll do this probably never.
Gotten a speeding ticket on
British roads
- We'll do this hopefully never.
- We'll do this hopefully never.
bangers and mash
- We're in no rush to do this.
- We're in no rush to do this.