Thursday, October 24, 2013

Already / Not Yet

And just like that, we’ve been in England for five weeks.  We’ve certainly started a new life in many different ways, and have been working on adjusting our expectations, lifestyles, and culture accordingly.  One of the biggest lessons learned has been “Everything takes longer here.”  And that’s everything: travel, deliveries, getting approvals/clearances, cell phone data speed, shopping, restaurants/fast food, finding a place to park... you get the idea.

One quick way to summarize all the progress we’ve made, as well as all we have left to do, can be captured by one of my favorite theological ideas: the “Already / Not Yet”.  The idea is that by what Christ has achieved on the cross, some things have “already” happened (sins forgiven, we’re called his children, etc.) but some things are “not yet” (all tears wiped away, evil destroyed, etc.).  So with that, now that we’ve been in England for awhile, here’s the list of the “Nichols’ Already / Not Yet” for our first five weeks…

Already (have or done)                              Not Yet
Adjusted to our time zone                            Ever feel like we get enough sleep
Got military IDs                                               Gotten clearance to use the military
                                                                                   computers (i.e. the computer in my office)
Started a sterling and a dollars                  Understand the best way to manage two  
         bank accounts here                                      accounts in the States and two in the UK
Registered Ginger for healthcare               Registered Chris and the boys for healthcare
Filled out paperwork for kids’ school      Kids started in school
Submitted work visa application               Gotten work visa approved
Found a house                                                  Gotten rid of the straggling fleas
Gotten our stuff from the States                 Unboxed everything
Have heat, power, water in the house       Have Internet
Got a fridge, microwave                                Have a washer, dryer, dishwasher
Cleaned out office                                           Gotten heat turned on in office
Bought a car and a minivan                         Ginger gotten her drivers’ license
Sold our cars back home                              Sold our house back home
Bought a GPS, hair clippers                          Bought boys’ bunk beds, vacuum, TV, lamps
Ginger had doctor appointments               Ginger delivered the baby
Visited London and Cambridge                  Visited Highclere Castle (Downton Abbey)
Met the Colonel (base commander)          Met the Queen
Gotten a speeding ticket on base               Gotten a speeding ticket on British roads
Eaten fish and chips                                       Eaten bangers and mash
Played bass for Sunday worship                Played my guitar for Club
Run 8 Clubs and 5 Bible studies                Figured out the middle school weekend
                                                                                  retreat next month

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Getting Established

Our first week at Alconbury was a blur of activity, orientation, coping from jet lag, meeting new people, and diving straight into ministry.  Stephanie Hardy (pictured left) was the outgoing Community Director.  She did a great job of welcoming us and filling us in on everything we needed to know... sometimes to the point of information overload! 
She introduced us to the Bowling Center: not just a place to bowl, but a popular lunch hangout with a full menu.  (Our boys had to get in game too.)  In the weeks since, I've already been here several times to meet kids for lunch.  The high schoolers can leave school for their lunch break, and it's a short walk to the Bowling Center.

We have been housed on the base in the TLF (Temporary Living Facility), which is basically a hotel, each suite with a bedroom, small kitchen and a living room.  Cozy and liveable!  It's been especially nice because there are a couple other families with young boys that have become friends to Eli and Liam and a nice playground just outside!  We were also blessed by some beautiful weather our first few weeks in England.

Our first Club (pictured) was Tuesday, the day after we arrived!  It was cool to dive right in with meeting kids and leaders.  Tuesdays are full days: the middle school kids come over to the chapel annex right after school for snacks, then it's middle school Club, then high school dinner, then high school Club! The next night was my first Wednesday night Bible study with both the middle and high school kids.  I was encouraged by the small group that showed up and with their interest and questions.  We've started studying the book of Mark, but I anticipate a number of healthy "rabbit trails" of topics of discussion as we go week-to-week!

The hardest part of week one (as well as since then) has been adjusting to different life, and a different pace of life.  The slogan I often repeat is "Everything just takes longer here."  Sometimes it's due to the military culture.  Sometimes it's the British culture.  Sometimes it's just our own unfamiliarity or insecurity!  For instance, to do ANYTHING on base we needed an ID card, which I didn't get until then end of our first week.  Which meant we couldn't shop on base, start a bank account, get a cell phone, go on/off base by ourselves, buy groceries, get our PO box... You get the idea.

But we've learned a lot since then, and (sometimes) things are moving faster now.  We've met lots of great people at the chapel and feel well taken care of.  We're excited to see what God does in our lives and with kids on base as we go forward!